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5 Application Monitoring Best Practices for DevOps
5 Application Monitoring Best Practices for DevOps
Application monitoring is key to keeping your product safe, efficient, and compliant. Read this article for best practices to guide your efforts.
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How Agile Development Tools Can Speed Up Time to Market
How Agile Development Tools Can Speed Up Time to Market
Modern DevOps teams need tools that can keep pace with short development cycles The adoption of agile methodology changed software development — teams now ship updates faster, iterate processes, and add bug fixes along the way. It’s the equivalent of building a plane in mid-air, but in the case of cloud-based solutions, that’s a good […]
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The Comprehensive Guide to DevSecOps
The Comprehensive Guide to DevSecOps
What you need to know about implementing DevSecOps solutions on your team Security threats are becoming commonplace for organizations of all sizes, from school districts to social media giants. It is perhaps not surprising that DevSecOps, an application process that builds security fixes into every stage of the development cycle, is gaining popularity. But what does […]
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What Is a DevSecOps Engineer? 8 Skills That Define the Field
What Is a DevSecOps Engineer? 8 Skills That Define the Field
Find out what will make an effective DevSecOps engineer for your business Software development has become an increasingly specialized field over time — generally speaking. What began as the general work of “programmers” split down into work assigned to systems engineers and administrators, database developers and full-stack developers, and so on. But modern companies have […]
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What Is DevSecOps as a Service?
What Is DevSecOps as a Service?
Putting all the benefits of subscription-based, cloud-native software to use for the cloud application developers that have the most to gain Layering on security as an afterthought at the end of the development process is ineffective, but most companies don't have the bandwidth ato hire security experts. That’s where DevSecOps-as-a-Service comes into play — this […]
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7 DevSecOps Training Programs & Certifications Worth Investing In
7 DevSecOps Training Programs & Certifications Worth Investing In
Find the DevSecOps training you need to shift security left for your cloud-native app development DevOps has become a household name among software developers for its discipline-crossing approach to the creation, provisioning, and maintenance of cloud applications. However, the movement to shift infrastructure and compliance left in the development cycle has dovetailed with another element […]
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